Lead Capture from Facebook Ads to Salesforce

Lead Capture from Facebook Ads to Salesforce

Discover how to effectively capture leads from Facebook Ads and seamlessly integrate them into Salesforce. Cloudonhire guides you through best practices, tips, and tools to optimize your lead generation strategy.

Salesforce CRM

Salesforce CRM

Salesforce CRM is an intelligent, proactive, AI-powered, cloud-based platform designed to provide a suite of applications that help businesses manage and streamline their customer interactions, sales, service, marketing, processes, and overall operations. In the era...

How can we get a Salesforce Marketing Cloud Demo Org ?

How can we get a Salesforce Marketing Cloud Demo Org ?

If you wanted to learn Salesforce Marketing Cloud, you should get your hands on a dev/demo/playground org of it!
Well, you can only do that if you are a Salesforce Partner. In this Blog we will guide to create a demo org you need!

Conquering Chembra Peak

Conquering Chembra Peak

The title “Conquering Chembra Peak” may sound wrong, but what do you call a Trek by Software Engineers who spend all day in front of a computer with little to no exercise? CloudOnHire organizes yearly trips. We have experienced Wildlife at Nagarhole, done moderate...

VS code authentication error and  Refresh token auth error

VS code authentication error and Refresh token auth error

Authentication Failure error:We cannot create LWC, open scratch org,local development or push the changes to the scratch org since the org is expired (min:1 day, max: 30days)and it is not authorized.I. RESOLVING AUTHENTICATION FAILIURE ERRORSTEP 1Authorize a dev Hub...

Set Up LWC Local Development

Set Up LWC Local Development

Step 1Navigation: Open Command Prompt Window Run: sfdx plugins:install @salesforce/lwc-dev-serverStep 2Navigation: Open VS CODE Terminal Window Run: sfdx plugins --coreStep 3Navigation: Open VS CODE Terminal Window Run: sfdx plugins:updateStep 4Navigation: Open VS...

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